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华人楷模——冷氏点睛术创始人 冷柏林

时间:2020-01-15 16:24  阅读:1




Cold Berlin,founder of Cold Eyesight,is now global executive president of Cold Eyesight.Graduated from the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Hebei Institute of traditional Chinese Medicine,has worked in the pain department of Chengde traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hebei Province,the Department of Acupuncture and moxibustion in Langfang City Central Hospital,and the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Beijing PLA 301 General Hospital.



Mr.Leng Berlin is currently a member of the China International Report Literature Association,a member of the Chinese Heritage Committee,a member of the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine,a member of the International Committee of Basic-level Experts on Traditional Chinese Medicine,a member of the Chinese People's Medicine Committee,and a member of the China Medical Headline Advisory Committee,a health consultant.



In 2000,mr.cold berlin founded the"cold spot technique"and applied for registration."cold spot technique"applied the european version of"stress science","anatomy of the human body's motor function"and other medical principles combined with modern medicine,jumped out of the single-line textbooks,read nearly 2000 jin of professional medical books,and found out the"stress point"to control the human body disease,that is,to control the disease switch to treat it,will get the effect of the needle to stop the pain,the needle is the more effective.Most of the diseases in the eight major systems of human body can get very good treatment effect,the needle is very shallow,no broken skin,no bleeding,has the advantages of safety,painless,zero risk,quick effect,low recurrence rate and so on.




Famous domestic painters ni jizhou and mr ding zehua have praised leng's eye skill as"merit in the present age,benefit in qianqiu","the road to simplicity",various media have also reported the outstanding effect of leng's eye skill,in addition,the therapy has attracted many doctors and medical enthusiasts at home and abroad to learn.



For many years,Mr.Leng Berlin has also been committed to public welfare,providing free treatment for sanitation workers,lonely elderly,left-behind children and disabled people in outpatient clinics,and receiving more than 20 children from poor families as apprentices.




Mr.Leng Berlin is both talented and well-rounded.He is unique in the field of acupuncture.His greatest wish is to let the cold eye into thousands of families,so that everyone can self-diagnosis,self-treatment.

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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华人楷模——冷氏点睛术创始人 冷柏林




Cold Berlin,founder of Cold Eyesight,is now global executive president of Cold Eyesight.Graduated from the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Hebei Institute of traditional Chinese Medicine,has worked in the pain department of Chengde traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Hebei Province,the Department of Acupuncture and moxibustion in Langfang City Central Hospital,and the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Beijing PLA 301 General Hospital.



Mr.Leng Berlin is currently a member of the China International Report Literature Association,a member of the Chinese Heritage Committee,a member of the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine,a member of the International Committee of Basic-level Experts on Traditional Chinese Medicine,a member of the Chinese People's Medicine Committee,and a member of the China Medical Headline Advisory Committee,a health consultant.



In 2000,mr.cold berlin founded the"cold spot technique"and applied for registration."cold spot technique"applied the european version of"stress science","anatomy of the human body's motor function"and other medical principles combined with modern medicine,jumped out of the single-line textbooks,read nearly 2000 jin of professional medical books,and found out the"stress point"to control the human body disease,that is,to control the disease switch to treat it,will get the effect of the needle to stop the pain,the needle is the more effective.Most of the diseases in the eight major systems of human body can get very good treatment effect,the needle is very shallow,no broken skin,no bleeding,has the advantages of safety,painless,zero risk,quick effect,low recurrence rate and so on.




Famous domestic painters ni jizhou and mr ding zehua have praised leng's eye skill as"merit in the present age,benefit in qianqiu","the road to simplicity",various media have also reported the outstanding effect of leng's eye skill,in addition,the therapy has attracted many doctors and medical enthusiasts at home and abroad to learn.



For many years,Mr.Leng Berlin has also been committed to public welfare,providing free treatment for sanitation workers,lonely elderly,left-behind children and disabled people in outpatient clinics,and receiving more than 20 children from poor families as apprentices.




Mr.Leng Berlin is both talented and well-rounded.He is unique in the field of acupuncture.His greatest wish is to let the cold eye into thousands of families,so that everyone can self-diagnosis,self-treatment.

关键词:华人楷模——冷氏点睛术创始人 冷柏林 责任编辑:TF002C
  • 注明“来源:华商新闻网”的所有作品,版权均属于华商新闻网,未经本网授权不得转载、摘编或利用其它方式使用上述作品;经本网授权使用作品的,应在授权范围内使用,并注明"来源:华商新闻网";违反上述声明者,本网将追究其相关法律责任。
  • 华商新闻网转载文章是为了传播信息,不代表本网观点。如因作品内容、版权和其它问题需同本网联系的,请在相关作品刊发之日起30日内发送至电子邮箱:
